International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices

Last Submission date is 31st March 2025

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Journal provide a forum for advancing the organizational, technical, human, and cognitive issues associated with the creation, capture, transfer and use of information and knowledge management in the organizations.


Brief introduction

The International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices, bring together academicians, researchers, information scientists to focus on understanding the modern development in the field of Library and Information Science and establishing new collaboration in this area. This journal is going to be helpful for students, researchers, teachers as well as the librarians who are communicating knowledge requirements to service providers, planning and managing the delivery of knowledge, communicating the availability of knowledge to the end-user community, monitoring the use of the knowledge assets and delivering the value of the knowledge to the end-user community.


The primary objective of the International Journal of Knowledge Management & Practices (IJKMP) is to provide a forum for advancing the organizational, technical, human, and cognitive issues associated with the creation, capture, transfer and use of information and knowledge management in the organizations. This Journal will share knowledge among researchers and practitioners with respect to the development, implementation and maintenance of effective knowledge management systems in the libraries and information centres. This journal publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research covering all aspects of knowledge management and information systems. In addition to full-length research manuscripts, the journal publishes insightful research and practice notes as well as case studies from all areas of knowledge management.

Focus and Scope

IJKM aims to

-publish latest and quality research articles in the multidisciplinary area of knowledge management and Information Technology,

-to disseminate latest developments, research activities, important work done in the field of Library and Information Science and Technology

-to exchange knowledge, experience, issues and solutions among professionals and other interested groups

-to foster a platform for leading research in the emerging new landscape of library practices, which requires the integration of knowledge and learning.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

Knowledge management and learning strategies

Knowledge management and research

Knowledge construction in e-learning

Knowledge modeling and visualization

Knowledge-based learning systems

Learning and knowledge portals

Web-based learning and teaching

Strategies for e-learning development

E-learning in the workplace

Electronic performance support systems for libraries

Web-based learning and knowledge communities

IT security and privacy issues in Libraries

Workflow management in Libraries

Medical informatics

E-healthcare and Information Centres


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